
Lesson 6: February 2-8

‘Her plagues’


9. Where is the mark of the beast to be placed? Revelation 13:16.

NOTE: ‘The two opposing marks are to be received in the forehead, which is a symbol of the mind and affections, since the forehead is the seat of the intellectual faculties. The seal of God can be received nowhere else. He accepts of no obedience but that which is from the heart. But the beast seems to be more accommodating. If you do not choose his mark in the forehead, you may receive it in your right hand. If you do not believe and love his institutions, you may obey them outwardly, carry out his requirements with your right hand, which is a symbol of outward actions. The Devil does not care for sincerity of heart in his service. If he can hire us to fall down and worship him, or in any way cause us to disobey God, his object, which is our ruin, is accomplished. Those who receive the seal of God, have the “Father’s name written in their foreheads.”  Those who receive the mark of the beast, receive the “mark of his name.” [Revelation 14:11.] Name is used in a figurative sense to denote authority. In the name of the people, in the name of the king, signify by the authority of the people, or of the king. In the name of Jesus Christ, means by the authority of Jesus Christ. Hence, the mark of the beast is a sign or token of his authority, standing in opposition to the sign of the authority of the Father.’ R. F. Cottrell: Mark of the Beast and Seal of the Living God, pages 3-4.


10. How does this contrast with the seal of God? Revelation 7:3. Compare Revelation 14:1.

NOTE: ‘Now is the time to prepare. The seal of God will never be placed upon the forehead of an impure man or woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead of the ambitious, world-loving man or woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead of men or women of false tongues or deceitful hearts. All who receive the seal must be without spot before God, candidates for heaven.’ Counsels for the Church, page 334.

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