MEMORY VERSE: ‘O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.’ Matthew 26:39.
LESSON AIM: There are those who think that, because Jesus was God, He could only have suffered those things imposed upon Him externally. This lesson will consider the struggles that Christ suffered within Himself during the last hours of His life.
‘When Christ revealed to Peter the time of trial and suffering that was just before Him, and Peter replied, “Be it far from Thee, Lord: this shall not be unto Thee” Matthew 16:22, the Saviour commanded, “Get thee behind Me, Satan” Matthew 16:23. Satan was speaking through Peter, making him act the part of the tempter. Satan’s presence was unsuspected by Peter, but Christ could detect the presence of the deceiver and, in His rebuke to Peter, He addressed the real foe.’ Selected Messages, book 2, page 353,
‘These assaults [the earlier temptations in the wilderness] were more severe than man has ever passed through. Everything was at stake on behalf of the human family. In this conflict, Christ did not frame His words even. He depended upon “It is written”. Read Matthew 4:4. In this conflict, the humanity of Christ was taxed as none of us will ever know. The Prince of life and the prince of darkness met in terrible conflict, but Satan was unable to gain the least advantage in word or in action. These were real temptations, no pretence. Christ “suffered being tempted” Hebrews 2:18. The Son of God in His humanity wrestled with the very same fierce, apparently overwhelming temptations that assail men, temptations to indulgence of appetite, to presumptuous venturing where God has not led them, and to the worship of the god of this world, to sacrifice an eternity of bliss for the fascinating pleasures of this life. Everyone will be tempted, but the Word declares that we shall not be tempted above our ability to bear. We may resist and defeat the wily foe.’ Selected Messages, book 1, page 95.
1. How does the Bible describe the Man of Calvary? Isaiah 53:3; John 11:35.
NOTE: ‘“Where have ye laid him?” He asked, “They said unto Him, Lord, come and see.” Together they proceeded to the grave. It was a mournful scene. Lazarus had been much beloved, and his sisters wept for him with breaking hearts, while those who had been his friends mingled their tears with those of the bereaved sisters. In view of this human distress, and of the fact that the afflicted friends could mourn over the dead while the Saviour of the world stood by, “Jesus wept.” Though He was the Son of God, yet He had taken human nature upon Him, and He was moved by human sorrow. His tender, pitying heart is ever awakened to sympathy by suffering. He weeps with those that weep, and rejoices with those that rejoice.’ Desire of Ages, page 533.
2. As the Lord, and Peter and James and John, His chosen three disciples, reached Gethsemane, how is the struggle of the Saviour’s inner experience described? Matthew 26:39.
NOTE: ‘As Christ felt His unity with the Father broken up, He feared that, in His human nature, He would be unable to endure the coming conflict with the powers of darkness. In the wilderness of temptation, the destiny of the human race had been at stake. Christ was then conqueror. Now the tempter had come for the last fearful struggle. For this he had been preparing during the three years of Christ’s ministry. Everything was at stake with him. If he failed here, his hope of mastery was lost; the kingdoms of the world would finally become Christ’s; he himself would be overthrown and cast out. But if Christ could be overcome, the earth would become Satan’s kingdom, and the human race would be forever in his power. With the issues of the conflict before Him, Christ’s soul was filled with dread of separation from God. Satan told Him that, if He became the surety for a sinful world, the separation would be eternal. He would be identified with Satan’s kingdom, and would nevermore be one with God.’ Desire of Ages, page 685.