
Lesson 5: January 26-February 1

‘Her plagues’


7. What awaits those who remain in Babylon, despite the warning to get out? Revelation 18:4, 8. Read Revelation 16, especially verses 2, 10-11, 19.

NOTE: ‘The vileness of a union of the Christian church with the state is depicted in chapter seventeen [of Revelation]. When the church, which was once pure, united with the government of Rome, and was known as the papacy, God called her Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, He showed by the angels who hold the vials of His wrath, that, as loathsome disease is the physical penalty paid for the life of a harlot, so the seven last plagues are the natural results of the spiritual fornication of which the church is guilty when the name Babylon is applicable to her.’ S. N. Haskell: The Story of the Seer of Patmos, page 300.


8. How sudden will the fall of Babylon be? Revelation 18:8, 16-17, 21.

NOTE: ‘The time is exceedingly short from the time when she congratulates herself that all the nations have returned to her, the time is exceedingly short, till the judgements of God come upon her and upon all the nations. And when that comes then God’s people are delivered.’ A. T. Jones: General Conference Daily Bulletin, February 2, 1893.

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